Crawling King Snake

Ein Wiener Musiker mit Einflüssen zwischen A Tribe Called Quest und den Doors lässt hier einen Live-Bastardpop-Mix hören.
missy queen's goin' space truckin'
James Phoenix mixing live / deeppurple 'space truckin' vs toktokvsmssoffyo 'missy queen's gonna die'

Crawling King Snake über sich

Zitat: "Born in 1985, grown up in a suburb in Vienna and still living in the city he hates so much that it hurts. He's finishing school at the moment, but it's not absolutely clear whether he's finishing school or school's finishing him. Between A Tribe Called Quest's 'Midnight Marauders' and early Doors stuff you can find a dnb mixtape or some independent hiphop in his musical collection. A widespread taste that influences whatever he does, cause music is life and life is music.

Missy Queen's going space truckin is a live mix done with Native Instruments Traktor DJ Studio, bastardpoppin' Deep Purple and Tok Tok vs Soffy O can be fun.

I don't do weddings or funerals. I hate watching life coming to an end."


aus Wien | *1985
James Phoenix
spielmann | vor 7251 Tagen, 18 Stunden, 16 Minuten
bluesman2 | vor 7251 Tagen, 18 Stunden, 30 Minuten
Zum totlachen.
dieses dumpfe, unispirierte discogestampfe fällt in in die kategorie "musik die die welt nicht braucht."