Daniel MölkSmith

Ein New Yorker Songwriter und Performer aus New York zog Anfang des Jahres nach Wien. Hier gibt es eine erste Hörprobe.
cool people

Daniel MölkSmith über sich

Zitat: "daniel molksmith is a 28 year old songwriter and performer from nyc. After a long stint as lit plastic, a seminal late nineties east village band, daniel moved to vienna in early 2003. originally daniel smith he married a tyrolian maiden and became daniel mölksmith. lit plastic was a large, theatrical production and required film and costumes. daniel has pared this down to a trio of acoustic guitar, piano, and cello. while drawing from a variety of influences such as early bowie, nick drake, and scott walker he also incorpates this into a troubadour, poetic performance in contrast to todays slick pop aesthetic."

Neueste Nachricht von Daniel MölkSmith:

litplastic | 22.Nov.2004
Just got back from Paris and I had a great little tour. Looking Forward to Fruit Tree@porgy and bess on Thursday November 25. Our organization Vienna Songwriting Association have been planning this for quite some time. Hope everyone will come out and celebrate Nick Drake, Warchild, and all the artists involved.

Next News is SALTWATER DAYS my new record will be finished and out early next year.

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aus nyc | *2001
Daniel MölkSmith


Daniel MölkSmith
doublelife | vor 7448 Tagen, 7 Stunden, 29 Minuten
Like the titel
Very nice song hey.
i save it  
ento | vor 7490 Tagen, 8 Stunden, 27 Minuten

wunderbar, ..