Danny Drivr

rushing river
Release Date: 29.08.21

This track is about a tough relationship, being almost destroyed by depression. It also explains how it is worth the work and effort, if it feels like real love.

Danny Drivr über sich

Danny Drivr merges psychedelic lofi sounds with dirty guitars and hiphop beats. He follows a very stubborn DIY mindset, as well as avoiding auto-tune at all costs in order to be perceived as "authentic". Take a seat on the passenger's seat and discover it for yourself.

Neueste Nachricht von Danny Drivr:

dannydrivr | 6.Sep.2021
"sugar cubes" out soon --> 28.09.21

pre-save on Spotify: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/dannyd


aus Waidhofen an der Ybbs | *2021
Daniel Hochpöchler



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