Drama Duo after the Shitstorm

Ein Rock-Duo aus Bayern und Kalifornien.
reign & detain
2015, Definition Human

Drama Duo after the Shitstorm über sich

Drama Duo after the Shitstorm is a Rock band formed 2014 in Bavaria (Germany) but mostly living in LA / California. Their music is like a whole universe: they draw a picture of the world. There is a lot of beauty in there, they ask questions, give answers & show the ugly truth.
Their unique sound is the sum of ideas turned into weird noises paired with strong riffs, thick beats and catchy melodies.
But most important is: they know how to rock!
So let yourself flow and throw a TV through a closed window!


aus Los Angeles / Bavaria | *2014
Ms Destruction - Mr. Madcap


Franziska Holzmann
Kapellenweg 3
86949 Windach
Bayern - Germany