Free Verse

Ein Instrumentalsong von Free Verse aus Kärnten.
Intro Song
Samples Samples

Free Verse über sich

Zitat:"It all started in the spring of 2002. David Umschaden("The Vite") and Guido Kaspurz made some sessions in a small garage in Carinthia, Austria. After a few weeks they recorded their first track in a tiny studio some miles away from their hometown. After the recording session, Sir Rudolph van Pravda powered up the band with fat beats and tricky rhythms. They had some gigs but no man on the bass. So they picked up some bass players from the jazz college in their capitol witch weren..t cheap. And last but not least, Walter Heislinger completed the combo. They performed a sound witch includes bit of 80´s, rock and heavy elements and progressive parts. They self call it "new wave progressive Rock" During the last three years, they had not much time to write new songs or playing concerts, because the singer and the guitarist worked often for seasons during the summer and winter. But now they are working on their first studio album, witch contains 12 songs. It will be available in the summer of 2008 in the cd-stores.

Members of Free Verse

The Vite: guitars, voc.

Walter Heislinger: bass, voc.

Pravda Rudolf: drums, voc.

Guido Kaspurz: lead voc., guitar


Neueste Nachricht von Free Verse:

thevite | 1.Mär.2006

Sind beim Local Heroes bandcontest ins semifinale aufgestiegen.

hoffe wir sehen uns am 16.4.06 im ((stereo)) klagenfurt.

Rock on fuckers!!!!!!!!!
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aus kärnten | *2002
Stefan novak(lead voc.)
The Vite(lead-guit.)
Sir Guido(vox and guit)
Walter Zero H.(bass)
Rudolph van Pravda(drums)


Free Verse empfiehlt:

thevite | vor 5871 Tagen, 4 Stunden, 16 Minuten
New staff!!!!!!!!!
New Lead Singer and Songs.
Album and Live DVD out soon...