Ground Unit

Anfangs war er Jimi Hendrix Fan, seit 2010 macht dieser Linzer elektronische Musik mit Einflüssen von Daft Punk, Justice oder Skrillex.
What it feels like
Dubstep track from a 24 years old producer near from Linz.

Ground Unit über sich

Ground Unit is an 23 year old austrian producer, who started making electronic music in the year 2010.
Before he started making electronic music, he was a guitarist addicted to Jimi Hendrix.
2010 he started making drum and bass with Fruity Loops, 2011 he started making house and dubstep with Ableton.
His tune in influenced by Daft Punk, Justice, Pendulum, Skrillex, Datsik, etc.

Neueste Nachricht von Ground Unit:

biguli123 | 24.Jul.2012
Check out my newest sont "What if feels like", published 2 days ago!


aus Linz | *2010
Sebastian Kaltenböck


Trefflinger Allee 19
4209 Engerwitzdorf
Sebastian Kaltenböck
77bastian77 | vor 3958 Tagen, 2 Stunden, 57 Minuten
cool, massiver sound