Joe Benjamin

Sieben Musiker aus New York kombinieren Funk, Soul und Pop.
I'll never die
Veroeffentlichungsjahr: 2019
Albumtitel: I'll never die
Songtitel: I'll never die

Joe Benjamin über sich

Joe Benjamin leads a band of his own making- combining the tight, danceable grooves of a funk and soul band with poppy, ear-worm hooks and uniquely descriptive and intelligent lyrics to boot. Joe forges a new way for modern pop bands- to neither succumb to tired conventions nor to alienate the audience with angular harmonies and disjointed rhythms, but to deliver earth-shattering beats and relatable lyrics with just enough subtle twists and turns to keep you guessing what could possibly happen next.

Neueste Nachricht von Joe Benjamin:

joebenjaminofficial | 3.Feb.2020
Mein Album 'I'll never die' wird im Fruehling in Deutschland digital veroeffentlicht. Im September 2019 wurde es in der USA als Vinyl veroeffentlicht.
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aus New York, USA | *2015
Joe Benjamin
Dan Glaude
Nat Ranson
Paul Tafoya
Evan Waaramaa
Darrel Smith
John Feliciano


159 Milton Street, 4E
Brooklyn, NY 11222