kiril valeri

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kiril | vor 7340 Tagen, 2 Stunden, 7 Minuten
Kiril Valeri is a jazz/soul singer from Vienna, his lates CD is "Sunday Chillout - vol.1" distributed by M-System, Germany. Now he is working at IGI Records - Vienna on his new Solo CD, DJs willing to try some remixes (Drum`N`Bass/House/ Jazz style) of the new songs are welcome, dead lone for the applications - 31st of May, 2004.

kiril | vor 7340 Tagen, 2 Stunden, 11 Minuten
Kiril Valeri is a Jazz/soul singer from Vienna. Currently working with IGI Records on his new CD Project, DJs willingto try a remix of th new tracks are welcome, deadline for application is 31st of May 2004.

kiril | vor 7341 Tagen, 18 Stunden, 35 Minuten
hi leute, suche DJs die eventuel für meine neue CD einige remixes ausprobieren möchten, Stilrichtung - Jazz/House/'Drum`n`bass - Platen label IGI Records/Ton4records, Vertrieb in Deutschland und Bulgarien. Die Vocals von Augua de beber von Jobim stehen bereits bei Anfrage zu Verfügung. LG - Kiril.


aus Wien | *8 J
Alexander. Wladigeroff
Endre Hofman
Peter Strutzenberger
Roumen Dimitrov
