Wylee Simmons

Eine Stimme und eine Gitarre aus NYC.
An unfinished song, taped very roughly.

Wylee Simmons über sich

Zitat:"Wylee Simmons is taping roughly, quick, not looking behind to see what he's done. Using a guitar, voice(s) and now and then distortion, Simmons' focus lies on trying to satisfy his needs and waste the time. "

Neueste Nachricht von Wylee Simmons:

wyleesimmons | 17.Dez.2004
Simmons is taping roughly, quick, not looking behind.

And remember: We're all in this together!


aus NYC | *2004
Wylee Simmons


mail via visitenkarte
thesleepingdream | vor 6984 Tagen, 14 Stunden, 38 Minuten
Also ich finde, der Song hat was ganz Besonderes an sich - klingt irgendwie anders - im positiven Sinn gemeint.
Das Foto finde ich übrigens auch sehr gelungen.